Everything You Need to Know about Finding the Perfect Length for Your Genre and Story

Have you wondered how long your book should be? It’s a good question and one of the critical decisions writers face when writing a book. What is the ideal length for your genre and story? Think about it in terms of Goldilocks and the Three Bears. You don’t want it too short, or too long. The length of your book needs to be just right, especially for the genre you write. Keep reading, because this is everything you need to know about the perfect length for your genre and story.

The perfect length for your book can greatly impact its marketability and how willing potential readers will be to give it a try. For these reasons, understanding the factors that influence book-length and genre-specific expectations is important. Let’s dive in!

Factors that Influence How Long a Book Should Be

1. Genre and Reader Expectations

Each genre has its own set of conventions regarding book length, which means readers of those genres have built-in expectations. As an author, you need to be aware of and adhere to these norms. For example, readers of romance novels are primed for a quick-paced, engaging read, while fantasy readers will expect detailed world-building and an extended narrative.

2. Story Complexity

The complexity of your plot, characters, and world-building will impact your book’s length. For example, a multi-layered story with intricate subplots will naturally take longer to fully develop. On the other hand, a single plot line, as in a novella, or minimal subplots make a book more straightforward, which means fewer words.

3. Target Audience

Know the preferences and reading habits of your target audience. Young Adult (YA) readers, for instance, often prefer shorter, fast-paced books, whereas adult readers might enjoy more in-depth, leisurely-paced reads.

4. Publishing Format

How an author intends to publish their book also matters. Traditional publishers have specific guidelines for different genres. Conversely, self-published authors have more flexibility primarily because ebooks don’t have the same physical constraints as print books.

Being up on current market trends is always helpful when you are thinking about the perfect length for your genre and story. This can provide insights into what readers and publishers are looking for. If shorter, high-concept books are trending, for example, you can choose to jump on that bandwagon.

Genre-Specific Expectations for Book Length

1. Literary Fiction

Typically ranges from 70,000 to 100,000 words. Literary fiction focuses on character development and thematic depth, often requiring more space to explore complex emotions and narratives.

2. Mystery/Thriller

Generally falls between 70,000 to 90,000 words. These genres thrive on suspense and pacing, and a tighter word count can help maintain the tension and keep readers on the edge of their seats.

3. Romance

Ranges from 50,000 to 90,000 words. Romance novels vary widely, with category romances being on the shorter end and historical or epic romances being longer to accommodate detailed settings and historical contexts.

4. Science Fiction/Fantasy

Often spans 90,000 to 120,000 words or more. These genres require extensive world-building, which can lead to longer books. Epic fantasies, in particular, can exceed 150,000 words.

5. Young Adult (YA)

Typically between 50,000 to 80,000 words. YA novels are known for their fast-paced, engaging stories that cater to a younger audience with shorter attention spans.

Practical Tips for Determining the Perfect Length for Your Genre and Story.

1. Outline Your Plot

Creating a detailed outline of your story can potentially help you gauge the scope of your story and how long it needs to be to tell it completely. Break down your plot into chapters and scenes to estimate how many words each section will require.

2. Think about Pacing

Thinking about the pacing of your story can be informative. Fast-paced thrillers or action-packed novels tend to be more concise and punchy, and therefore shorter, while slower, character-driven narratives might need more room to breathe, therefore longer.

3. The Essential Elements

Make sure that every chapter, scene, and character serves a purpose. This means avoiding unnecessary filler content that can turn scenes into fluff and pad your word count without adding value to the story.

4. Seek Feedback

Beta readers and critique partners can be helpful by offering insights into whether your book feels too short, too long, or just right. Their feedback can guide you in making necessary adjustments.

5. Revise and Edit

Don’t be afraid to revise and edit your manuscript. Cutting down on the fluff (see #3) or expanding underdeveloped sections (or characters) can help you achieve that Goldilocks “just right” length.

The Takeaway

Figuring out the perfect length for your story is important. By understanding what influences book length, recognizing genre-specific expectations, and following practical tips, you can make sure your book is both compelling and marketable within your chosen genre.

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