How to Create Fictional Characters that Jump off the Page
Crafting Stories or Baking a Cake?
Creating fictional characters that jump off the page is one of the most important things you can do as a writer. So, are you ready for some tips, techniques, and exercises for developing fictional characters?
Okay, let’s go!
I often compare the crafting of a story to cooking or baking. You have a set of ingredients, and when put together in just the right way, you end up with a delicious curry or the tastiest chocolate cake. If you miss an ingredient, the whole dish can taste different or not work at all. But when you get it right, it’s spectacular.
It’s the same with a character. When you get it right, they can be unforgettable.
The Character is the Main Ingredient
In fiction writing, the main ingredient is character—all the active characters. While you need the rest of the ingredients to write a compelling story: the points of the hero’s journey the protagonist is on; the plot; the setting; the tone; the mood; the point of view; dialogue; and voice, the characters drive the plot forward. They are what will keep readers coming back for more.
To develop great characters, you need to do some thinking. Today we’re going to delve into one method of character creation I love to use. It’s a strategy that’s fun. Think mix-and-match.
One of the most important parts of creating believable fictional characters is making sure they’re realistic. You can approach this by tapping into real people in your life, and then kind of like the Garanimals children’s clothing brand, you mix and match characteristics and traits together.
A Character Development Activity
In this activity, you’re going to dig into your real life to create a new character. Start by choosing 4 or 5 real people (they can be people from your life, people on the periphery, or celebrities or others you know things about). Next, make a list of character traits for each of these people.
Once you’ve done that, pick and choose traits from each list to create an entirely new person.
This is a fun activity that makes you think and dig deep.
An Example
Here’s an example of what this looks like. These are three different people in my life. I spent a little bit of time thinking about each of them. The result was a list of traits specific to each one.
1. Person #1
- Seems to enjoy his work
- Outwardly positive
- Extraverted
- Wears glasses
- Average height
- Enjoys grilling
- Enjoys tea
- Likes small talk
- Loves holidays
- Has a rolling desk
- Loves jalapeños
- Has a goatee
- Dark hair peppered with gray
- Works on Sundays
- Has several kids
- Loves fishing
- Loves kayaking
- Smokes cigars
- Works in public education
2. Person #2
- Accountant
- Dark hair
- Smirks
- Uses good vocabulary
- Retired
- Runs
- Traditional gender role expectations
- Arrogant
- Doesn’t like yard work
- Doesn’t cook
- Reads Stephen King
- Wears contact lenses
- Three kids
- Over-protective father
- Special father-daughter relationship
- Flaunts his children’s successes as if they’re his own
3. Person #3
- Extremely logical
- Hard worker
- Balding
- Reading glasses
- Pulled up from bootstraps/self-made
- Cautious with money
- Shows love through generosity
- Keeps emotions under control
- Loves cycling
- Loves nice cars
- Brutally honest
- Reads SciFi
- Loves scotch
- Loves gadgets
- Works in tech
Next, came the mixing and matching. I pulled traits from each and began to mold them together until I had a new character.
My New Character
- High school technology teacher
- Near retirement
- Has two kids, one very successful, the other not
- Sings the praises of the successful one
- Loves the idea of a nice car but can never afford one
- Wears sports coats
- Brutally honest, especially with his students
- Ever-present smirk
- Drinks green tea
- A little below average height
- Hates small talk
- Loves gadgets and all things tech
- Always has the latest computer and accessories
- Organized desk
As I created this new character, he began to unfold in my mind. Now, he’s taken on a life of his own and while some of his traits are inspired by the three people in my life, when mixed and matched, he does not resemble any of them.
Enjoy the activity!
Want more? Read: How do your characters react?
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